Health and well-being
The core of Icebug
When mapping the most significant and relevant sustainability aspects of Icebug’s total activity, Health and well-being was clearly the highest prioritized aspect. Health and wellbeing is the UN Sustainability development goal 3 and it’s also the core of our business. Here we want to give you an idea of how we contribute to health in our offer (products and events) as well as in the daily work.
Sustainable employment is all about supporting people to stay in work, to develop, grow and feel good. Commitment and responsibility are the foundation of both sustainable employees and sus-tainable organisations. Commitment gives sustainable employees who create results. Greater chal-lenges require each individual to feel personal commitment – that the work is important and mean-ingful. When we feel good, we can think bigger and act wiser. By sustainable employees, we mean employees who, over time, feel good, perform, enjoy and develop – in a way that means both the organisation and the individual gain.
The work environment at Icebug is characterized by creativity, participation and a good atmos-phere. With everyone’s involvement, it becomes easy to create a good workplace. The goal is for everyone to feel job satisfaction, security and affinity and to think it’s fun to go to work. Together we want to create something based on true values and passion – something that provides a real benefit to people. We share with each other our experiences, successes and failures.
We create time to contribute knowledge beyond our own area of expertise when asked by a col-league, and we celebrate success! We encourage each other and give each other clear feedback. We are honest with ourselves and with each other. We take care of ourselves and treat our own health responsibly. We strive together to create an environment of kindness, where everyone feels included and is treated equally regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, reli-gion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.
Sustainable employment creates stunning colleagues in an inspiring workplace characterized by creativity, playfulness, flexibility and transparency.